
Whispers From My Heart

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Once Upon A Time....

Once upon a time, there was "Love"..

When the changing seasons of life didn't matter,
As long as they got a glimpse of each other...

When they didn't even lay a finger on each other,
But made all the love they wanted to, just by looking in each other's eyes....

When the world seemed too small a place for them,
On shutting their eyes, they would be alone in their own universe, in each other's arms....

But now......

All two lovers think,
is to shut the door behind them,
And do things they want to do...

"Physical Desperation" is the new love...

But maybe...

There's still some love, in some corner of our heart. We've just forgotten about it.

As love never dies. My love. Your love. Our love.