
Whispers From My Heart

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Concerned Eyes

Straight ahead was a mosaic of trees. An army of really tall things. I knew I had to head towards them.

Tall wooden bars, I was totally lost in them. Little patches of light from the sun, helped me to see what was around. Birds chirpping out, breaking the silence, calling out to someone. Someone who could heal my pain.

I walked far and wide. Found nothing. I sat down and just looked at the nothingness around me. I saw a distant image of something. It was walking. Lost in its own world. I headed towards it. Finally approaching near it. Draped in white from head to to toe, it was walking slowly. I put my hand on its shoulder. It turned back.

I noticed two beautiful brown eyes staring at me. A beautiful face, it was. She was lost, just like me, in these woods. I held her hand and we walked together. Didn't know where we were going. But we kept walking.

At night, I could hear her breathing heavily. She was scared. I held her close to me. After walking for some time, she looked at me. I could see that she was tired. We sat down near a tree. We closed our eyes in each other's arms. It was all we wanted.

Time had found wings, I guess. I opened my eyes, it was morning. The trees around me. Where was she? I ran here and there. My eyes looking for her. Concerned eyes. But she was gone. I was alone again, with me and my memories. I began walking, with a little hope in me. I wanted to hold her in my arms again. I wanted to hold that hand again.

I finally reached a stream. Thirst, didn't matter. I had lost someone. Nothing really mattered. I saw a white figure again. I ran. Put my hand on its shoulder. It was someone else. I moved back. She was not "Her". Two strange black eyes stared at me. I turned my back towards her. She held my hand and touched it to her cheek. She took me away. Away from that place. We were in the woods again. Life suddenly seemed beautiful. We smiled at each other and kept walking.

Another night had finally come. We had stopped walking. I had layed my head on her lap. She sang songs for me. Sweet, was her voice. I forgot my pain. The world was no longer a bad place. Time again flew away.

In the morning, I got up. I saw her smiling at me. Suddenly we were interrupted by the sound of horse shoes striking hard on the ground. From into the woods came a warrior, on a white horse. He came and stopped near us. She got up. I wanted to stop her. But her smile stopped me. She was happy. She sat behind the rider and disappeared in the woods.

I cried. I cried a lot. The skies cried with me. Thunders began. Someone up there actually understood my pain. With my head bent down , I cried.

It was now dark. The rain drops made me feel cold and alone. Suddenly I heard some footsteps coming towards me. I kept my eyes closed. I didn't really care. Somebody came near and hugged me tight. I let it all out.

It was morning. Another morning. Another pair of concerned eyes. Green eyes. Looked at me. I moved away. She came closer. She whispered "It will be okay". She rubbed my head.

"Come , let's walk" she said. We walked. The skies were clear. We walked the woods. We found a way out. She smiled at me.

"It will be okay" She whispered.

There was an endless patch of small trees and green grass now. Change had happened. We kept walking.

"Never leave me" I said.

"Never" she whispered.

The moon had come up. The moonlit night, clear skies and two clutched hands. We stopped walking.

She looked at me. I looked at her. She drew her face near. We kissed. Time lost its pace. A cool wind blew on our faces.

After a while, She moved back. I smiled at her. She smiled back.

She suddenly stabbed me on my chest. She twisted the knife, a couple of times. I didn't feel the pain. I could hear my heart beating. A heart that had learnt to beat for someone. I knew , I was dying. But I still loved her.

I came down on my knees. "Don't you love me?" I asked.

"Never" She whispered.

I fell to the ground.

I woke up suddenly. Sweating heavily. "Some dreams are so realistic" I said to myself.


Inspired from true events.


sexual chocolate said...

Nice post...you write really good posts and speak your heart out...i could never write such things that strike the heart and make you feel what has been written :))

very nice punki...keep it up :))

Manali said...

That was so deep and yeah as you said it realistic.

Pooja said...

THIS IS BASED ON TRUE EVENTS? OMG! You are only 21..and you went through something like this! Boy I need details! :P

As usual it was a great read..the ending particularly, loved it, got my attention till the end. Thank God I didn't read this last night when I was dead sleepy :P

Love you, mwaah!


ms.parker said...

This was eerily beautiful. I was hooked.